Jody forno fundrasier

In 2021, Vaughan Soccer Club hosted its first ever VSC Jody Forno fundraising event in the memory of the late Jody Forno. Since its inception, and thanks to over 100 players and countless donors like yourselves, VSC has raised over $40,000 towards helping its underprivileged grassroots players. 

VSC is proud to announce it will be hosting the 4th annual VSC Jody Forno Fundraiser on August 18th, 2024 at North Maple Regional Park in Maple, ON. All proceeds raised will go towards the Vaughan Soccer Clubs’ Grassroots programs which helps families and players from underprivileged backgrounds fund their soccer experience at the grassroots level with Vaughan Soccer Club. To register, you must first create an account on PowerUp (if you don’t have one already) and then proceed to register for the event once you login. 

2024 brings an exciting new event!

Jody’s energy and enthusiasm for youth soccer and coaching, leading and developing young soccer players was at the forefront of how he lived his life. To honour his memory and to raise funds for his former grassroots program we are hosting the 4th annual Jody Forno Fundraiser and this year we will be hosting a new event. We are excited to host everyone at North Maple Regional Park for a Soccer Tennis and Skills Challenge event. Not sure what soccer tennis is?

Please click here to read more about it. For those wishing to just attend and not play soccer tennis, there will be other skills challenges as well or we are always looking for volunteers to help with the event. There will also be a kids area so please feel free to bring the family. 

The tournament will kick off at 4:00pm sharp. There will be dinner, raffle, prizes, 1 twosome will be crowned tournament champions as well as the opportunity to commemorate Jody by the newly dedicated VSC Jody Forno bench at North Maple and the wonderful memories we have of him.

Tentative Schedule for the day

4pm: Arrival at North Maple Regional Park

4:30 – 6pm: Soccer Tennis & Skill Challenges

6 – 6:15pm: Bench Commemoration in Jody’s Honour 

6:15 – 7pm: BBQ Dinner, Raffle, Prizes

8pm: Free entrance to VSC vs. Sigma FC Men’s League 1 Ontario match

About Jody

Jody was one of the most beloved members of not only Vaughan Soccer Club but the community as a whole. Having been with the club since 2008, most recently since 2016 as the Long Term Player Development Director, Jody brought enthusiasm, passion and a big smile to the soccer field and the community each day.  He selflessly gave his incredible energy, passion, sacrifice and kindness to so many. So many loved him because he defined what giving love was. The former York University Lion left us suddenly in December 2020 but his legacy lives on through his son, family, former players and the community of Vaughan.

About Vaughan Soccer Club

VSC is a community based club located 25 minutes north of Toronto, Canada with approximately 5000 Members. We are home to a variety of programs from recreational to semi-professional on both the male and female side. We have been and continue to be one of the top annual feeder clubs to Toronto FC and most recently in 2018 had 4 of our players drafted in the first round of the MLS draft; 3 of which in the top 10. Some of our proudest graduates include Canadian Senior Men’s Internationals Dayne St. Clair (Minnesota), Kamal Miller (Orlando City), Ryan Raposo (Vancouver Whitecaps), and Alistair Johnston (Nashville). Currently, we have over 20 players playing professionally in the Canadian Premier League (CPL), MLS and overseas. 

Cost and Registration 

Players can register individually for $150 and will be assigned to a team or you can register your Soccer Tennis Twosome for $300. To register, you must first create an account on PowerUp (if you don’t have one already) and then proceed to register for the event once you login. 

Not interested in playing or can’t attend and still want to contribute to the foundation? No donation is too small and are welcome on the PowerUp platform or by reaching out to me directly. If you wish to have an A-Frame sponsor at the event please contact Krystin at with your company logo and details. A-Frame sponsorship will be a minimum of $500 and includes a custom A-Frame sign located along the field.

Prizes, gifts and sponsorships

A team trophy as well as individual champion medals will be awarded. There will also be plenty of door prizes (all players will be eligible). Interested in sponsoring a hole or donating a prize? Please contact Krystin Carelli at